A day in life

A day in life | Victoria | CHAPTER | TEASER


In 1939, the great architect Francisco Serrano completed another of his great creations: the Victoria Building, right on the corner of López – the street of the Spanish exile – and Victoria, the street of the lights, with its lamp and lighting equipment shops.

It is one of the most emblematic streets of the Historical Center of Mexico City because of the business and trade concentration, the proximity to the San Juan Market-the most peculiar- of the city. And for being between the Barrio Chino and San Juan de Letrán, the most nostalgic street of the country. That neuralgic center of the country, which boils like a witch’s cauldron, and where wandering souls collide like ants in an anthill, has a small haven of peace and love, is the apartment of the Victoria Building inhabited by Andrew and Carlos, a simple, delicate and loving couple.